Tuesday, February 22, 2011

cupid's cup

The Cupid's Cup 2010 was my first race ever. My cousin Cindy and I ran it together in honor of my grandma - she died December of 2009 from heart problems. The Cupid's Cup benefits cardiovascular health. Cindy wasn't able to run this year because she broke her tail bone snowboarding. Sad times.

I'm proud to say I shaved a little off my time this year (even if only by maaaybe a minute and a few seconds...haha).

It was a fun race - including a "cupid" at the start and finish of the race. He had lots of muscles!! ....they were fake though (sad). It also included a pink tutu - yay! This may be my new race outfit from here on out - but I haven't quite decided about that yet.

So, here you have it...me, my pink tutu, and cupid.

He kept kissing my hand while we waited for my dad to take the picture. Can't tell it by this picture because he finally came up for air, but good gravy! It was a bit awkward.

Cupid also saw me approaching the finish line and had a fit. He hollered at me (he remembered my name...??) and said he'd been waaaaaaiiiiiiiiting for me...and then he proceeded to run to the finish with me. No fun pictures of that though.

Some of the other teachers from work ran as well. Sad to say I didn't catch a picture with them. Next time, ladies!! (not that they read this....)


1 comment:

  1. OH...sorry I missed that! I remember how much fun he was last year. You look so cute in your tutu no wonder he was waiting on you!
    Love you!
