It has been quite awhile since I'd done a post on here (besides the one I just posted that was typed up several months ago)! Life gets busy when you're moving, settling in, and then figuring out the whole living by yourself thing. I moved into my house Labor Day weekend, and I'm LOVING it. I do miss my parents and having supper with someone other than my little dog every night, however I am extremely happy and know that this is where I need to be right now. I'll do another post to give you a tour of my house. The pictures were taken after my house warming party, so everything was nice and sparkly then. :) Not that they aren't now.
So, 52 in 52. That is my New Years Resolution for 2012 (although I'm thinking of it more as a goal...because who really follows through with their "resolutions"?). I'm challenging myself to memorize 52 scripture passages in 52 weeks (one each week). God's really laid the need to memorize Scripture on my heart the past month or so. I find myself in situations where I really need to take a moment and just rest in Him (whether it be in the middle of a lesson I'm teaching to 19 squirmy first graders (whom I dearly love), on a hard run in the neighborhood, or just driving down the road), and sometimes when I do take those moments, I feel lost. It's like I just can't wrap my brain around what I should be listening for. However, if I'm still enough (maybe not physically, but emotionally and cognitively), God lays a scripture on my heart that helps me. Hopefully, if I store more of His scripture in my heart, it'll come to mind quicker and help me get through those moments a lot quicker.
I actually started 2 weeks before the New Year. So far, I've done Romans 12:1-2, Isaiah 9:6, 1 Corinthians 10:12-13, and this week is Ecclesiastes 3:11. These come from my reading through the week, conversations with friends, and sometimes scripture that I've memorized in the past that I feel I need to freshen up on some. No matter where they come from, it's God's Word...and it'll be in my heart. Can't get any better than that, right?
So, what's your goal for the New Year? Want to do 52 in 52 with me?
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